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Hello, I created this web page so that anyone can share pet stories, videos, questions, advice, training tips and tricks and much more. I am also trying to give many homeless animals a home by posting thier shelters on this page. The shelter links can be found at the top of the page under the puppies. I am also offering some great products at great prices. Check out my pet store located at the bottom of the page, or click the Pet Store link on the top of the page to open it up in a new window.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Basic Dog Training Tips

  • Always remember that dogs love to please their owners, so when teaching them tricks praise and reward them right away when they do it right. Check out the Pet Store for training products.
  • When saying a command to your dog be stern and speak a slightly louder voice than your normal one.
  • As a puppy or in the beginning of your training say the command and place your pet in the correct position. ex: say sit (sternly) then push his but down to make him sit. When you believe that he has got it down, say the command and your dog should obey right away.
  • Remember not to yell at them, always praise when they do something right. If your doggy has run away from you and does not come when you say "come" do not yell at them, when they eventually do come praise them instead. Dogs always remember the very last thing, so when you praise them when they eventually come they'll know to obey when you say "come."
  • Obedience training requires the right kind of collars. The best training collar would be a Choke Chain collar. The collars do choke the dog for just a few seconds but does not hurt them. It teaches them to stop doing what they are doing wrong. These collars can be very dangerous and many dogs every year are injured or killed by owners putting the collars on wrong. My advice is to only use the collars for training and when not training use a soft collar so the choke chain doesn't get stuck on anything and choke your dog.
  • Another piece of advice is to get a collar and leash that fits your dogs size. Larger dogs can break loose from the collars or leashes causing all sorts of problems. Most collars and leashes have size by weight on the packages.


Great Training Books

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