Puppy House Training
- When you first bring your puppy home watch what he does before he goes to the bathroom. Doing this will teach you his own habits before you teach him not to go inside.
- When you see him circling, or doing what ever it is that he does, scoop him up or lead him out side before he has an accident.
- If he does have accidents firmly say "no" and take him outside. He will eventually learn that outside is his bathroom. It will take time and he will have accidents just remember not to yell at him and always praise him for doing good outside.
- Teaching him to go in a certain area in your yard isnt that hard. All you have to do is take him outside on a leash to the designated, wait until he does his business then praise him, maybe give him a treat. In no time when you take him out he'll know exactly where the two of you are going. Eventually you should be able to let him out by himself and he should go right to that spot.
- Always keep up a routine especially in the winter, fall, rain on colder days, or days that you just dont feel like doing your routine. If you fall out of it your pup will most likely start having accidents inside.
- I have a Labrador puppy and it took her a month or two to get a routine down. She is still a puppy, only 10 months old, and I know that she can hold her pee and poo in for 8 to 10 hours. I do try not to have her hold it in that long, but when im out and cannot get home I know she wont have an accident.
- Sometimes training a puppy can get frustrating, but remember that they will eventually get it and the days of you picking up poo and mopping up pee will be over.
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